Thursday, January 27, 2011

One Fish, Two Fish...

Nehemiah loves fish.  He has a fish mobile above his swing that he loves.  He likes books with fish in them.  He likes his fish toy...Are you getting the picture?  Well, a trip to Bass Pro meant fish, real fish.  He had never seen real fish before, so we wondered how he would react.  He loved them!  Here are some pictures of him looking at the fish.  There aren't many pictures with him facing the camera, because when we turned him from the fish, he would cry.  As I held him he began to lean out of my arms trying to see the fish more.  When I checked to see what he was looking at, I saw a giant catfish.  They were face to face just looking at each other.  It was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.  I guess we might have an aquarium somewhere in our future.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Mommy Lessons

Every once in awhile I have this "Aha!" moment.  Yes, it is only every once in awhile,  not very often.  It's at those moments when I have an epiphany concerning motherhood, babies, and life in general.  So far, I have learned two what I call, "Mommy Lessons."  That's not bad considering that Nehemiah is two months old.  A lesson a month isn't too bad, is it?

Anyway, so here they are, lessons one and two.  Maybe my "aha" moments can help someone else, but at least I can keep them here to remember them myself.  Otherwise, I would surely forget.

#1 -  Sometimes it's ok to break my own rules in order to get some sleep. 
            If the only place baby will sleep at night is the swing, it's ok to let him sleep there for a night or so.  Mom and Dad need sleep too.

#2 - Listen to your own advice.
            If you give helpful hints concerning baby to others (example: Don't worry about all of the weird noises he makes while sleeping.  If he needs something he'll start crying.) don't forget to follow the same advice for yourself.

So that's two lessons I've learned so far.  I'm sure that there will be a TON more to come.  Stay tuned for more.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

One of our favorite things to do with Nehemiah is to read stories to him.  He loves listening to us and looking at the pictures. 

His favorite books are the ones that we sing the words to.  Baby Beluga and Rise and Shine are two that we read/sing over and over.  Yesterday we read a new book called "Gerald McBoing Boing."  It's becoming another favorite.  (Maybe more for mom than Nehemiah.)  Besides these books we recently bought Nehemiah his own Bible.  Dad really enjoys reading stories from it. 


Monday, January 10, 2011

A Magical Seahorse

There's a magical toy, that I am convinced every parent should have.  It's a little seahorse.

Uncle Seth and Nehemiah have named ours Reginald, or more affectionately known as Reggie.  Yes, Reggie was a gift from Great-Grandma Connie, and Nehemiah (as well as Mommy and Daddy) love him.  He lights up and plays music, which helps babies calm down and go to sleep at night.  Whenever Nehemiah starts getting fussy at night, in goes the paci, on comes Reggie and everyone goes back to sleep.  Yes, this is truly magical.  I highly recommend this for anyone with babies.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

2 Months

I can't believe that it has already been almost 2 months since Nehemiah was born.  So many things have transpired during that time, including 3 trips for he and I back and forth to Missouri.  We are so thankful that things are much better now than they were for us at the beginning and we are hoping to start getting into a routine now.  Already Nehemiah is growing so big.  He's eating 5 oz at each feeding, and holding his head up so well.  He loves his tummy-time, and besides his seahorse, his favorite thing is his swing.  The fish mobile above it is incredibly fascinating.  I joke about his love for marine life. 

In the past few weeks, he has started to smile, and to my great joy, he gave me a big smile yesterday morning when I came to get him for the morning.  Each day is a new adventure, and we love to see what he will do next.

Baby B

Nehemiah Andrew
Born November 14th at 12:08 a.m.
7lb 3oz, 21 inches

Saturday, August 7, 2010

As Time Goes By...

Time is flying ever so quickly!  I'll probably be hoping that the third trimester goes just as quickly...

This week Baby Nehemiah is the size of an eggplant!  He is getting bigger and bigger, and in only 3 weeks I'll be headed back to the Dr. for the third trimester blood work! 

We are very excited to get into our new apartment, and Nehemiah's room is actually now empty of all of the boxes of stuff that we were storing in there!  The crib is waiting to be set up and pictures will come when things get further along, so watch for them!